Sunday, August 25, 2013

Dry Roasted versus Raw Almonds in Low-Carb Dieting

1 to 5 Weight-Loss without Dieting

Guide to the Low-Carb Regimen



Publishing technology is a source of amazement! 

The 1 to 5 Weight-Loss without Dieting printed version was just finalized last weekend.  As I type this, the book is available worldwide on Amazon's bookstore in both printed and Kindle editions.  Barnes and Noble and numerous smaller bookshops also list the book as available!

As a result, interacting with readers undertaking the weight-loss without dieting regimen (LCR) has opened great avenues of discussion:

I.   Dry Roasted Almonds vs. Raw Almonds

The 1 to 5 Weight-Loss without Dieting book promotes dry-roasted almonds rather than raw almonds.  Here's why:

1.  Raw almonds are normally purchased in bulk rather than in modest portion snack packs (the dry-roasted almond portion suggested in the 1 to 5 Weight-Loss without Dieting book).  The difficulty, then, in bulk raw almonds is that although almonds are low in carbs, eating too many of them each day may interfere with a fat-burning metabolism.

A single "100 calorie" packet of dry-roasted almonds (about 23 almonds) is 2 to 3 net grams of carbs.  While it is true that raw almonds have virtually the same net carb count -- and nutritional composition -- as dry roasted almonds, bulk quantities of raw almonds are difficult for many to portion.  The tendency is to eat too many for effective carb control.

2.  In addition, raw almonds are discouraged by many due to potential bacterial -- salmonella -- contamination (evidently not a problem with dry-roasted almonds due to the heat processing).  See the following articles:

The last reference concludes:
As long as salt or oil is not added to dry roasted almonds, both raw and roasted almonds provide the same nutritional benefit.

3.  While raw almonds are chewy, they do not have the same "crunch" as the dry-roasted variety.  As explained in the 1 to 5 Weight-Loss without Dieting book, the "feedback" from the dry-roasted crunch may benefit the weight-loss without dieting process.

Remembering that net-carb count is calculated by subtracting grams of fiber from total grams of carbs for EACH PORTION -- for me -- dry-roasted almond 100 calorie snack packs are lower carb than bulk raw almonds.

This also applies to protein bars:  Beware of protein bars that claim low carb counts but then -- in the small print -- inform you that a single bar is TWO PORTIONS (so you get double the carbs you think you are getting!).


As the book emphasizes, each of us is unique and what works best for each of us -- so long as we activate a nutritionally healthful fat-burning process -- is simply a matter of preference.

Having said this, the 100 calorie dry-roasted almond snack packs have proved effective in establishing and maintaining a fat-burning metabolism.  If you are not experiencing success in your approach, this may be an area for your consideration.

Much more information on effective weight-loss without dieting is available in both the Kindle and the printed editions of the book, 1 to 5 Weight-Loss without Dieting!  

If this sounds good to you, please check out the Kindle or print edition of 1 to 5 Weight-Loss without Dieting.  (The Kindle edition is readable on cell phones and on computers per Amazon's quick and free Kindle app download!)

If you or someone you know would like to lose weight -- simply and easily and without the hunger associated with dieting -- please check out, and pass along, the book per the above links!


Friday, August 16, 2013

1 to 5 Weight-Loss without Dieting Video

In a little over two and one half minutes the new "1 to 5 Weight-Loss without Dieting" video does a nice walk-through of the book (Please, click on the movie window below):

Interest continues to grow in:

1 to 5 Weight-Loss without Dieting

Thanks for spreading the word that both a Kindle edition (available now!) and  (within a few days!) a printed edition of this book may be obtained through

Author's link at:

If this sounds good to you, please check out the Kindle or print edition of 1 to 5 Weight-Loss without Dieting.  (The Kindle edition is readable on cell phones and on computers per Amazon's quick and free Kindle app download!)

Monday, August 12, 2013

Check out the 1 to 5 Weight-Loss without Dieting book at

Search for Hornbeck-Kaiser and select the book:

If this sounds good to you, please check out the Kindle or print edition of 1 to 5 Weight-Loss without Dieting.  (The Kindle edition is readable on cell phones and on computers per Amazon's quick and free Kindle app download!)
Thanks for looking!

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

1 to 5 Weight-Loss without Dieting Guide to the Low-Carb Regimen

1 to 5 Weight-Loss without Dieting

Guide to the Low-Carb Regimen

Two thirds of Americans are overweight or obese. This book presents the key to successful weight loss without going hungry and while feasting on up to eight easy, delicious meals per day!

This book is a fun, informative and entertaining read: Included are simple step-by-step instructions, menus and recipes for healthfully activating a fat-burning metabolism.

In this enjoyable process insulin resistance -- a pre-diabetic condition that is a harbinger of adult onset diabetes, heart disease and certain forms of cancer -- may be overcome.

You owe it to yourself to read this book!


The Kindle Edition of this book is only $1.99!  A key benefit to the Kindle edition is the ability through digital media to provide "hot" links to references, low-carb foods and life-changing videos.

The printed version of this book is available at

The LCR is the only weight-loss plan that has worked for me. Over the years I lost 104 pounds and gained back 190:  Other approaches that I have used -- calorie counting, weight loss pills, dietary drinks, exercising, fad diets, etc. -- left me feeling hungry, tired, sore and with only temporary (if any) results. I could NOT maintain the unrealistic and ineffective methods of these approaches. Worst of all was the ongoing discomfort of hunger, something we do not experience while following the regimen in this book!

1 to 5 Weight-Loss without Dieting is a featured book on (August 3, 2013).

The author -- CR Hornbeck-Kaiser -- is identified as an emerging author at this popular, literary site.


If this sounds good to you, please check out the Kindle or print edition of 1 to 5 Weight-Loss without Dieting.  (The Kindle edition is readable on cell phones and on computers per Amazon's quick and free Kindle app download!)