Friday, June 20, 2014

Low-Carb Pregnancy Benefits as well as Recipes for Low Carb Pancakes, Muffins & Maple Syrup

Personal LCR Update,

Low-Carb Benefits for Pregnancy
with References and Links,

Easy and Delicious Recipes for:
 Low-Carb Muffins,
Low-Carb Pancakes, 
and How to Get Zero Carb Maple Syrup!

Image of CR Hornbeck-Kaiser

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Welcome worldwide readers new and old!  This blog supports the 1 to 5 Weight-Loss without Dieting regimen.

Per the above title for this particular article:

I.  My Personal LCR Update

Several years after initially visiting Craig Johnson, PA at my osteopath’s family practice, I got the opportunity to see him again.  He was pleased to verify my weight change from 244 pounds to 175 pounds.  It was also a pleasure to give him a copy of my book, 1 to 5 Weight-Loss without Dieting, and to point out the passage in which he is featured at the beginning of my LCR journey.

Yep – several years of low carb feasting and my weight continues to hold at a Body Mass Index reading under 25! 

(A BMI of 25 to 29.99 measures varying degrees of being overweight while a BMI of 30 or above is considered obese.  Two thirds of American adults and one third of American children have a BMI of 25 or above.)

One of the great benefits of the LCR regimen (beyond getting to eat constantly!) once excess pounds are shed and solid nutrition becomes the norm is the increase in energy, vitality and stamina.  In addition to weight training and cycling,
 I’m also enjoying some vigorous international folk dancing with two different local groups. 

As an aside, I had to laugh at a t-shirt sported by one of the group leaders.  It read:

“Have an international affair . . . take up folk dancing!”

These are nice people and folk dancing is a lot of good, clean, fun cardio exercise:  I recommend it!

II.  Low-Carb Benefits for Pregnancy

A plus to being married to an infant development specialist and having a daughter who is a nurse is the opportunity to get their expert input on the benefits of a properly undertaken – see 1 to 5 Weight-Loss without Dieting – low carb regimen.

While adequate nourishment is a key ingredient to a successful pregnancy, pregnant women consuming a high carb diet may create an unhealthy host environment for the children developing in their wombs:  Excessively high birth weights and abnormal infant brain development may then result. reports:

Gestational diabetes occurs because the hormonal changes of pregnancy make it more difficult for your body to effectively use insulin. When insulin cannot do its job of lowering blood sugar to normal levels, the result is abnormally high glucose (blood sugar) levels. Most women have no symptoms. While this condition is usually not dangerous for the mother, it poses several problems for the fetus. Specifically, macrosomia (excessive growth) of the fetus can increase the likelihood of cesarean delivery and the risk of birth injuries. When glucose levels are well controlled, macrosomia is less likely.

Please keep in mind -- as explained in 1 to 5 Weight-Loss without Dieting -- that our bodies produce insulin in response to the presence of glucose that results from consuming (especially high glycemic) carbohydrates such as breads, pastas, fruits, sugar based hard and soft beverages, protein shakes, starchy vegetables, cakes, candies, bagels, cinnamon rolls, pies, and other sweets.

Hormones produced during pregnancy make it difficult for the body to appropriately use insulin which is required so that cells may absorb the glucose in the blood to provide cellular energy.  The result is elevated levels of glucose in the blood which in turn impacts the fetus developing in the womb.  

Although pregnant women may not show visible signs of this process, both the baby's and the mother's health are at risk.  Pregnant women with elevated glucose levels are at greater risk for developing diabetes.  Children developing in the wombs of such women are more likely to have abnormally elevated birth weights and to manifest abnormal brain development.

According to for women who develop gestational diabetes " . . . there is up to a 50% chance of developing diabetes later in life which can be decreased through lifestyle modifications like diet and weight control. It is also important to note that gestational diabetes will often complicate future pregnancies . . ."

Acccording  to the DANA Foundation, "The many pregnant women who have diabetes or develop it during pregnancy have another reason to control their blood sugar: Abnormal glucose levels could affect their child’s memory, and damage might not be reversible.  

[as explained in 1 to 5 Weight-Loss without Dieting, elevated glucose is associated with insulin resistance - a prediabetic condition]

A continuing study based at the University of Minnesota has tested children of diabetic mothers from day one through age 8 (and counting) and found consistent problems with their memory; specifically, their ability to recognize their mother’s voice (at birth), face (at 6 months), and sequences of actions (ages 3 and up). Researchers suspect that the impairment is caused by damage to the hippocampus, which rapidly develops during the third trimester of pregnancy.  

'If the glucose levels in the mother fluctuate greatly … the fetus will also have high fluctuations in their glucose levels, which then leads to iron deficiency and oxygen deficiency' to the brain, says Tracy DeBoer of the University of California at Davis, one of the researchers. These deficiencies have been shown in animals to be especially damaging to hippocampus development, she says."

With these things in mind, it would be interesting to see the correlation between the increase in developmental maladies and the epidemic of obesity that has resulted from the increasingly “carbaholic” (high glycemic [high sugar], high carb) diet that has become the norm in America over the last fifty plus years.

At least some of the increase in detrimental infant developmental problems seen in recent generations may actually result from our growing addiction to high glycemic, high carb eating.

Therefore, if you want healthy children, adequate nutrition is a must and eliminating high glycemic, high carb foods appears to be a crucial step!

The 1 to 5 Weight-Loss without Dieting book clearly presents the simple, easy and enjoyable process through which a low-carb, high protein, high healthful fat regimen may be undertaken.  In line with this, here are some delightfully delicious low-carb applications:

III.  Easy and Delicious Low-Carb Muffin & Pancake               Recipes

1.  First, Easy and Delicious Low-Carb Pancakes

  • Three eggs beaten in a 2 cup measuring cup. 

  • One tablespoon of avocado or olive oil. 

  • One quarter teaspoon of salt,

  • One quarter teaspoon of Vietnamese/Saigon cinnamon,

  • One tablespoon of granulated Stevia,

  • One tablespoon of baking powder,

  • Two tablespoons of coconut flour 
  • Mix the above dry ingredients into the beaten eggs. 
  • Fill the two cup measuring cup (already containing the above ingredients) with almond flour to the one and one quarter cup mark and blend with the other ingredients. 
  • Now blend in one third of a cup of rich sour cream (I like the Daisy whole fat brand). 
  • Warm your non-stick frying pan on your stove to a setting of "4" (on a scale of 1 to 10) and melt in and coat the pan with one tablespoon of butter. 
  • Pour three ovals of batter into the pan (the batter may look like it has run together, but as they cook the butter separates the pancakes which also shrink away from one another. 
  • Place 4 to 6 blueberries into each pancake. 
  • It takes about two to three minutes for the first side to cook (they will begin to smell done).
  • CAREFULLY flip each pancake and let the new side cook a minute or so.

Once the ingredients have been set out, the batter takes just a couple of minutes to prepare.  In my experience, left over batter refrigerates well for at least a couple of days, but  since raw eggs are involved  use your own discretion in order to protect from bacterial contamination.

2.  Second, Delicious Low-Carb Muffins

Use the recipe above.

Preheat your oven to 425 degrees.

Decide if you want plain muffins or add savory ingredients of your choice.  For instance, onion powder and sharp cheddar cheese, fresh herbs from your garden (perhaps freshly chopped chives), fresh blueberries (per the pancakes above), or perhaps freshly grated lemon peel and poppy seeds!

Butter your muffin pan cavities.

Fill each cavity about two thirds full with your batter.

Bake at 425 degrees for 15 to 20 minutes (depending on your elevation, humidity and oven performance).  The muffins will smell done and will develop a golden brown exterior:  Delicious!

By the way, each muffin is about 2 grams of carbs and each pancake is about 1 gram of carbs depending on how large you pour them.

I serve the muffins with lots of fresh, creamy butter.  In addition to the butter – for the pancakes – I like Walden Farms (zero carb) Maple Syrup.  The pancakes served with freshly prepared eggs and bacon are stellar – we even have them for dinner!

IV.  As promised, here are some useful links:

3. (my book is recommended on this site and the site’s author has a similar experience to my own – there is excellent information on this site!)

Conclusion:   So What Is 1 to 5 Weight-Loss without Dieting?

1 to 5 Weight-Loss without Dieting is a simple, enjoyable, easily adopted, step-by-step lifestyle change that aids your body in losing weight without dieting while -- at the same time -- overcoming dietary patterns that lead to insulin resistance.  Through the approach there are no pains from hunger, no fad diets, no "magic" pills, no paraphernalia, no unrealistic exercise regimens or embarrassing weigh-ins.

1 to 5 Weight-Loss without Dieting delightfully deals with these issues by presenting simple, step-by-step instruction on how to feast continually and lose weight at the same time!

The detailed information needed to lose weight is available worldwide through Amazon.  US buyers will find the low price of $1.99 (or, $9.89, if you prefer the printed rather than the Kindle version)!   

(By the way, you don't need a Kindle to use the Kindle version:  A free app is automatically available from Amazon that will enable your cell phone, computer or tablet to display Kindle books.)

Image of CR Hornbeck-Kaiser

Sound good?  You owe it to yourself to read this book!