Saturday, June 28, 2014

Low-Carb Spaghetti and Low-Carb Ice Cream

Great Low-Carb Spaghetti
Delicious Low-Carb Ice Cream!

Introduction:  It is wonderfully satisfying to be trim (after spending years in the overweight and obese range), to have abundant vitality and to feast continually on great food!  Below are a couple of my favorite recipes with some information on how you can lose weight while feasting on up to eight meals per day:

Me after mountain biking!

I.  Great Low-Carb Spaghetti

The Mission CarbControl Small Fajita Style Whole Wheat tortillas are only 3 net grams of carbs – after subtracting the fiber – for each tortilla.  It is a simple matter to cut a tortilla (several if you are feeding others!) into thin strips between one eighth and one quarter of an inch wide.  Melt some butter in a non-stick pan on a medium-low (about “3” on a scale of 1 to 10) setting and sauté the tortilla strips (do NOT overcook them unless you want crispy “noodles”).

Warm a can of diced tomatoes (2 net grams of carbs – if you are careful to purchase a low-carb variety – per serving with about three and one half servings in a can) in a non-stick sauce pan.  Season with salt, ground pepper, onion powder, garlic powder and Italian seasoning.  Sprinkle and blend in 1/4 teaspoon of guar gum and thicken to preference.  

Prepare seasoned meatballs.  I used ground veal (it was on sale, but hamburger or ground round would have been fine). I simply rolled the ground veal into modest sized meatballs and fried them in a pan with a tablespoon of butter.  I used the same seasoning as with the sauce:  salt, ground pepper, onion powder, garlic powder and Italian seasoning.  For variety I added some freshly picked and then chopped chives from my wife's garden.

Of course we topped our meal off with grated Parmesan cheese.

We enjoyed the plate of "spaghetti" enormously.  It was delicious, quick, easy to prepare and low-carb!

As clearly explained in 1 to 5 Weight-Loss without Dieting (along with numerous delicious, low-carb recipes), please keep in mind that traditional pastas are ALL high carb and will not work in a low-carb regimen.  The recipe above, however, is low-carb and is a great replacement for high-carb pastas!

II.  Delicious Low-Carb Ice Cream

  • I combined 2 ounces of non-whipped heavy whipping cream with 3 ounces of unsweetened, unflavored coconut milk and 1 ounce of egg whites. 
  • These ingredients were blended together with a scoop of low-carb vanilla flavored whey protein powder (not all whey protein powders are low-carb!). 
  • Add in 1/8 of a teaspoon of Saigon/Vietnamese cinnamon and 1/8 of a teaspoon of nutmeg.  
  • To this mixture I sprinkled in 1/4 teaspoon of guar gum and blended all the ingredients thoroughly.

You could also blend in some Stevia (if you require a sweeter mixture).  Instead of Stevia you could use Walden Farms zero carb syrups – I sometimes use a little zero carb maple syrup when I make my ice cream!

I placed the mixture into my freezer for an hour and a half.

The result is a delicious ice cream that serves well by itself or topped with fresh berries.

You could even add a tablespoon of low-carb baker's cocoa to your mixture before freezing if you desire chocolate ice cream!

The recipe should provide you with at least two portions. Although the ice cream is relatively low-carb, like anything, adequate but modest portions are encouraged.

Conclusion:   So What Is 1 to 5 Weight-Loss without Dieting?

1 to 5 Weight-Loss without Dieting is a simple, enjoyable, easily adopted, step-by-step lifestyle change that aids your body in losing weight without dieting while -- at the same time -- overcoming dietary patterns that lead to insulin resistance.  Through the approach there are no pains from hunger, no fad diets, no "magic" pills, no paraphernalia, no unrealistic exercise regimens or embarrassing weigh-ins.

1 to 5 Weight-Loss without Dieting delightfully deals with these issues by presenting simple, step-by-step instruction on how to feast continually and lose weight at the same time!

The detailed information needed to lose weight is available worldwide through Amazon.  US buyers will find the low price of $1.99 (or, $9.89, if you prefer the printed rather than the Kindle version)!   

(By the way, you don't need a Kindle to use the Kindle version:  A free app is automatically available from Amazon that will enable your cell phone, computer or tablet to display Kindle books.)

Image of CR Hornbeck-Kaiser

Sound good?  You owe it to yourself to read this book