Sunday, October 27, 2013

1 to 5 Weight-Loss without Dieting Requires a Fat Burning Metabolism

1 to 5 Weight-Loss without Dieting
Requires a Fat Burning Metabolism

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Introduction:  The article you are currently reading presents a brief discussion of the impact of certain organs in establishing a fat burning metabolism.  In addition, amazingly delicious low-carb recipes are noted along with a recent "meet and greet" attended by your author.

I.  What Is a "Fat-Burning" Metabolism?

The 1 to 5 Weight-Loss without Dieting book makes it clear that the ability to metabolize fat is a key to weight loss without dieting. 

The bottom of page 11 and top of page 12 of the printed edition of the The 1 to 5 Weight-Loss without Dieting book state:

"If you are an individual with an underlying health condition that interferes with your ability to safely activate a fat-burning metabolism through a properly followed LCR, then – of course – you are not most people. Individuals in this category are encouraged to seek the guidance and counsel of their qualified health-care professionals.
It is expected, however, that most are able to respond well to a properly followed Low-Carb Regimen. If you are like most people, then this approach holds the potential to produce beneficial results."

The gallbladder and the pancreas are key players in a fat-burning metabolism.  A fat-burning metabolism becomes necessary when we store too much fat throughout our bodies, normally as a result of consistently eating too many carbohydrates.

1.  The role of insulin resistance

Upon consumption, carbohydrates are quickly converted into glucose within the bloodstream.  The pancreas produces insulin in order to transport the glucose to our cells for energy.  As explained in 1 to 5 Weight-Loss without Dieting a constant barrage of insulin as a result of a pattern of habitual high carb eating leads to cells that reject the insulin shipment (insulin resistance).  Ultimately, the body converts the rejected insulin shipments of glucose to fat that in turn accumulates throughout the body and especially around the belly.

2.  The role of the gallbladder

On the other side of the process according to the gallbladder stores the bile necessary for the emulsification of fats.  In other words, the gallbladder helps break down the fats we eat.  If our gallbladder is removed, then this will affect bile production.   As a result our bodies will have problems breaking down fats and this will interfere with the digestion and proper use of fats. 

This follows since the fats and oils that we consume are part of the building blocks of many of the hormones in our bodies. 

This is huge for fat metabolism:  Without a gallbladder it will be extremely difficult to generate the needed energy from fat.  A shortage of energy from fat will lead to the need to depend on another source most likely carbohydrate metabolism. 

Once again, however, with insulin resistance compromising carbohydrate metabolism, consumption of excess carbs is likely to stimulate the accumulation of body fat.

The conclusion, then, is that those without gallbladders are in a difficult situation when it comes to establishing a fat-burning metabolism as a strategy for dealing with excess body fat.

3.  The role of the pancreas

According to the article Overview of Lipid (fat) Metabolism:

The emulsification of fats render them susceptible to hydrolysis by enzymes secreted by the pancreas. The most important enzyme involved is pancreatic lipase.

Consequently, a properly functioning pancreas is also key to effective fat metabolism and as with the gallbladder those without full pancreatic functionality diminish their ability to metabolize fat.

4.  The role of low-carb, high healthy fat, high protein eating

On the other hand, those with a functioning gallbladder and pancreas have the benefit of being able through following a properly adopted low-carb, high healthy fat, high protein regimen to actually develop a fat-burning metabolism.

In this when insulin resistance is appropriately dealt with through the low-carb eating regimen detailed in the 1 to 5 Weight-Loss without Dieting book a fat-burning metabolism is promoted.  The result is that energy may be significantly obtained from fat rather than from carbohydrates and weight-loss is promoted.
Further since the flavor of food is in the fat, low-carb, high healthful fat, high protein eating is delicious!

II.  Strata with Freshly Shredded Parmesan Cheese!

My wife has a keen eye for a bargain.  While perusing a store for good buys she found a closeout on some needed salad tongs.  Her bargain included as part of the purchase a rotary cheese grater.  The grater is an inexpensive version of the ones used at restaurants when you are asked, "Would you like some freshly grated Parmesan cheese on your salad?"

The device sat in our kitchen for a few weeks until Sprouts Market had a sale on chunks of Parmesan.

The connection with what you are reading is that I made a strata (a layered, crust less quiche) this morning and included some freshly grated Parmesan in my cheese layer.  When the strata was served, we topped our slices with more freshly grated Parmesan.


What an explosion of utterly delicious flavours!

Not only is the quiche delicious but the cheeses are low-carb, high fat and so healthful along with the sautéed diced onions, celery, broccoli, unsweetened coconut milk, bacon portions and farm fresh eggs.  The 1 to 5 Weight-Loss without Dieting book features this recipe in the Low-Carb Menu and Cooking Guide on page 270.

In addition to the strata with the freshly grated Parmesan cheese, our breakfast included freshly sliced strawberries with a dollop of rich sour cream and Stevia sweetened ginger tea.  A few hours later and I'm still savouring those unbelievably delicious flavours!

When you can eat like this and healthfully lose weight without dieting why would you eat any other way?  Regarding this, I have lost and continue to keep off over 65 pounds while continually feasting on up to eight unbelievably delicious meals each day!

This is one of the reasons why my blogs end with "You really need to read this book!"

III.  Signing Party at the Elbert Public Library:

It was an honor to be invited by the Elbert Public Library for a "meet and greet" as the author of 1 to 5 Weight-Loss without Dieting.  Not only did I get to present some of the aspects of losing weight without dieting, but in addition I was pleased to share some utterly delicious low-carb foods.  Of course I brought some strata and some fresh strawberries. 

In addition I brought deliciously tangy low-carb deviled eggs and peanut butter protein balls dusted with Stevia and bakers cocoa (see the Cooking Guide contained in the 1 to 5 Weight-Loss without Dieting book for the recipes).

It was especially gratifying to hear the testimonies of individuals who have lost weight and continue to do so through the 1 to 5 Weight-Loss without Dieting approach!

1 to 5 Weight-Loss without Dieting is a simple, enjoyable, easily adopted, step-by-step lifestyle change that aids your body in overcoming insulin resistance.  Through the approach there is no hunger, no fad diets, no "magic" pills, no paraphernalia, no unrealistic exercise regimens or embarrassing weigh-ins.

1 to 5 Weight-Loss without Dieting delightfully deals with these issues by presenting simple, step-by-step instruction on how to feast continually and lose weight at the same time!

The detailed information needed to lose weight is available worldwide through Amazon.  US buyers will find the low price of $1.99 (or, $9.26, if you prefer the printed rather than the Kindle version)!   

(By the way, you don't need a Kindle to use the Kindle version:  A free app is automatically available from Amazon that will enable your cell phone, computer or tablet to display Kindle books.)

Sound good?

You owe it to yourself to read this book!