Sunday, October 6, 2013

The Economics of Weight Loss

The Economics of Weight Loss

It should be apparent, especially in light of the recent behavior of Congress, that it is necessary to have correct priorities in order to implement beneficial economics.  In a similar fashion the cost of the overweight and obese epidemic in terms of real money, quality of life and productivity should be considered.
For each of us there is a cost as well as an opportunity if we will but seize it.

I.  My Question to You:

Let me start with a truth:  The 1 to 5 Weight-Loss without Dieting book is a low cost, especially since many spend this amount each day on just a single cup of coffee!  (Further, $1.99 is the lowest price at which Amazon will make this e-book available.)

Building on this, let me ask the question:  Would you consider it economically worthwhile to lose sixty-five pounds – if you have that much to lose – thru a $1.99 Investment?

Depending on your viewpoint, losing weight so inexpensively may be the best $1.99 (or, $9.15, if you prefer the printed rather than the Kindle version) that you will ever spend!  (By the way, you don't need a Kindle to use the Kindle version:  A free app is automatically available from Amazon that will enable your cell phone, computer or tablet to display Kindle books.)

II.  My Former Story:

I can tell you that over the years I, personally, spent a whole lot more than $1.99 in my attempts to lose weight.  Like most people, I pursued numerous weight loss methods – calorie counting, weight loss pills, dietary drinks, various exercising regimens, fad diets, etc. – that only left me feeling hungry, tired, sore and with only temporary (if any) results. Although I tried diligently, I could NOT maintain the unrealistic and ineffective methods of these approaches.
Even worse for me was the ongoing discomfort of hunger and my endless frustration and sense of guilt at not being able to lose weight.

The 1 to 5 Weight-Loss without Dieting approach changed all of this!

This occurred when I had the needed step-by-step knowledge – as simply and clearly presented in the book – to properly implement the process.  After that, the pounds just came off!

III.  My Ongoing Story:

At my workplace there is an annual auction of school sports jerseys to raise funds.  It was an honor to win the right to wear one of our scholar athlete's shirts at the homecoming Volleyball and Football games.

It turned out I also was "doing gate" at the homecoming volleyball game so I was parked by the door to our gym when – at half-time the referee walked by.

He smiled and jokingly inquired, "A little old to be on the team aren't you?"

I nodded in agreement and responded, "They red-shirted me as a Freshman – I'm still waiting!"

III.  Connecting My Story to Weight-Loss without Dieting:

So how does this connect to 1 to 5 Weight-Loss without Dieting?

All that day as I wore the jersey belonging to one of our trim football players people commented on how good it was to see that it fit me so comfortably.

If you had known me a few years ago (a bit more than sixty-five pounds back!), the remarkable import of the comments would make greater sense:  It does feel really good to be trim and it is a daily lift to comfortably wear slim-cut, 33-inch waist jeans along with medium/large – rather than triple extra large – shirts!

IV.  You Need to Know That This Would Not Have Happened:

·       If I had to starve myself in order to lose the weight!

·       If I had to give up on eating absolutely delicious, rich foods!

·       If I couldn't eat whenever I wanted and – with the exception of eliminating high-carb, high-glycemic foods – whatever I wanted! 

·       If I had to exercise strenuously in order to lose the weight (though I do like occasional strenuous exercise)!

·       If I had to buy and take some kind of "magic" weight-loss pills or elixir (I'm sure you realize that these things tend to be either unhealthful and/or a fabrication)!

·       If – when the weight was lost – I did not end up with the most wonderful eating lifestyle I have ever experienced!

1 to 5 Weight-Loss without Dieting is a simple, enjoyable, easily adopted, step-by-step lifestyle change that aids your body in overcoming insulin resistance.  Thru the approach there is no hunger, no fad diets, no "magic" pills, no paraphernalia, no unrealistic exercise regimens or embarrassing weigh-ins.

Did you notice the part about insulin resistance (a pre-diabetic condition that is a precursor to adult onset diabetes as well as certain forms of heart disease and cancer)?

Wait a minute, you might say, what about losing weight?

Now you are to the point of the matter:  Losing weight for most people is tied to how their metabolisms process insulin.

VI.  Dealing with the Cause for Most Who Are Overweight:

Our carbaholic culture is one of eating ever increasing quantities of high-glycemic (high carb/sugar content) foods.  As a result, most of us are in some stage of becoming insulin resistant or growing in our already developed insulin resistance.  Excess belly fat is just one of many indicators of this condition.

Since two out of three adults in America are overweight, it is likely that this includes you.  More to the point, until insulin resistance effects are appropriately accounted for – you are likely to develop an increasing propensity to pack on those unwanted pounds.

VII.  Dealing with the Overweight and Obese Lifestyle:

The overweight and obese lifestyle – for most individuals – tends to be a result of failing to recognize and deal appropriately with this critical truth.

We may appear to handle the carbaholic lifestyle of eating ever increasing quantities of high-glycemic foods when we are younger (debatable in light of the growing epidemic of obesity even among children), but – rest assured – we are merely setting the stage for the increasing insulin resistance of our adult years.

1 to 5 Weight-Loss without Dieting delightfully deals with these issues by presenting simple, step-by-step instruction on how to feast continually and lose weight at the same time!

Sound good?

You owe it to yourself to read this book!