Saturday, September 7, 2013

Freedom Weight-Loss: 1 to 5 Weight-Loss without Dieting

Freedom Weight-Loss

If this sounds good to you, please check out the Kindle or print edition of 1 to 5 Weight-Loss without Dieting.  (The Kindle edition is readable on cell phones and on computers per Amazon's quick and free Kindle app download!)

I.  So Many (Ineffective) Choices

There are so many books on weight-loss -- with myriads of approaches to shedding pounds -- that it is difficult to know where to begin.

The tendency is to jump on the popularity band-wagon and gravitate toward a media name.

As a result most weight-loss approaches feature a guru who serves as a sort of Pied Piper seeking to lead readers on some sort of journey.  Along this journey the reader typically encounters numerous opportunities to spend money ultimately connected to the Pied Piper playing the tune to which the reader is expected to dance.

One can only sympathize with readers who are weary of the charade.  Worst of all the reader rarely receives the benefit they sought in the first place:  Effective and ongoing weight-loss.

II.  A Truly Effective and "Freeing" Choice

On the other hand, 1 to 5 Weight-Loss without Dieting allows the reader to experience weight-loss freedom.  There are no gadgets, gizmos, "super secret formula" magic pills or paraphernalia that falsely promise to transport us from fat to thin. 

Instead, 1 to 5 Weight-Loss without Dieting leads to ongoing weight-loss success without the need to give up dietary choice and freedom.  In this process we are NOT required to march to the tune of so-called experts whose counsel may merely foster the ongoing epidemic of obesity.

The futility of these other approaches contrasts with true weight-loss freedom in which we are free to eat any truly low-carb, healthful high fat, high protein foods we desire -- up to eight times per day!

III.  Without Knowledge People Perish

As a point of caution here, it is necessary to have sufficient knowledge of what this means so that the process of weight-loss without dieting is effectively applied to one's personal lifestyle.

In the process of adopting the 1 to 5 Weight-Loss without Dieting approach we are freed from the typical increasing propensity toward insulin resistance that most experience.  As explained in the preceding article, insulin resistance is identified as the underlying mechanism for the growing overweight and obese population.  Further, insulin resistance is a precursor to diabetes, heart disease, certain forms of cancer and numerous other maladies.

Virtually all of the "popular" weight-loss approaches fail to recognize -- much less deal with -- this critical reality.

More to the point, until insulin resistance is properly dealt with most are unlikely to have long-term success in their weight-loss efforts.

IV.  The Benefits of Freedom Weight-Loss

1 to 5 Weight-Loss without Dieting builds weight-loss freedom by simply, easily and effectively dealing with insulin resistance.

So what are the benefits?

  • Lose weight without dieting

  • Overcome the excess weight generating condition that sets up disease

  • Experience delicious food flavors that have been hidden by high-carb eating

  • Increase energy levels, vitality and mental acuity

  • Return to a more active lifestyle

Now that's freedom weight-loss!

You owe it to yourself to read this book!