Friday, June 12, 2015

Diet Beverages May Interfere
with Weight Loss

The amazon link above takes you to the site containing info regarding both the Kindle and the paperback versions of the book.  My background information and a brief multimedia presentation on the book are also available at the Amazon site per the link above:  Thanks for looking!

Introduction:  Imagine a scene in which a weight loss detective comes upon an individual about to consume a diet beverage.  Calmly  but firmly  the detective directs:  "Put down the diet beverage and no one needs to get hurt . . ."

Alright – this introduction is a bit melodramatic, but try to picture the original scene.  It’s an old time movie and the erstwhile detective – striving to be calm and well-reasoned in the midst of a life or death situation – says to the troubled individual, “Put down that gun and no one needs to get hurt.”

My point – insofar as truly successful weight-loss goes – is that so-called diet beverages can be as detrimental to real weight loss as is the gun in the hand of the troubled individual being confronted in our example.

     Let me be blunt:  In order for most people to attain truly effective weight loss, diet beverages need to be minimized or – more preferably – eliminated.

     Here’s why:

    I.  Diet Beverages May Stimulate Weight-Gain

     1.  Keep in mind that artificial sweeteners  though low carb  can create a similar insulin response to sugar.  Among artificial sweeteners, Splenda raises particular concerns.  Please see "The Sweet Truth" article in this blog to find out why.

     2.  Soda sweetened with erythratol (a sugar alcohol) -- not commonly available -- or soda sweetened with Stevia (a more natural sweetener) may be better choices.

     3.  Interestingly, Safeway markets a "house brand" grapefruit "club soda" that is enjoyed by some with minimal glycemic and carb impact.

     4.  The best choice of course is water:  Water is the "gold standard" for thirst satisfaction and is the best choice to minimize the destructive insulin responses seen in the insulin resistance weight-gain cycle.

The four statements above cover a lot of ground.  The required information for a better understanding of these concepts -- and for understanding how to lose weight without dieting -- are fully explained in The 1 to 5 Weight-Loss without Dieting book.  The book includes step-by-step instructions and detailed, delicious low-carb recipes (along with supporting background content and explanations).

Conclusion:  Amazing Benefits Are Possible!

Several years into the "1 to 5 Weight-Loss without Dieting" process and I continue to weigh in at my target weight (65 plus pounds below the obese weight from which I began!).  Best of all, I feast continually on delicious, healthful, easily prepared foods.

My prediabetic condition is eliminated (without drug intervention).  My metabolic levels and energy levels are optimized.  And I love the 33 inch waist "slim fit" jeans that I now wear instead of the  46-48 inch "relaxed fit" jeans I was forced to wear several years ago.

Having experienced it, I can't imagine eating any other way!

If you would like to learn more, check out:

You owe it to yourself to read this book!

Monday, February 2, 2015

Low-Carb Chili, Crispas, Stir-Fry Shrimp and Strawberries with Comparison to Keto Dieting

Chili, Cinnamon Crispas and

Chili, Cinnamon Crispas and

Stir-Fry Shrimp with Strawberries and Chocolate

with Comparision to Keto Dieting



Author's link at:




Twitter at:  CR Hornbeck-Kaiser@cr_hb    Hashtag:  #1to5weightloss


Note:  Tweet your name and e-mail (indicating your desire to participate in the Facebook group) -- you will be added.  Thanks for your interest in 1 to 5 Weight-Loss without Dieting! 





I.  So What Is 1 to 5 Weight-Loss without Dieting?


1 to 5 Weight-Loss without Dieting is the simple, enjoyable, easily adopted, step-by-step lifestyle change that enabled your author to lose 65 plus pounds while constantly feasting on absolutely delicious foods up to eight times daily!  (The point is:  If I did it, so can you -- it's that easy!)


Best of all -- year after year -- the weight loss, vitality and health benefits are maintained:  Your author continues to weigh in at around 176 pounds while enjoying terrific meals like "No Bean Chili with Cinnamon Crispas" and "Stir-Fry Shrimp with Strawberries and Chocolate."


The "No Bean Chili" is from my wife's recipe.  She fried a pound of hamburger, put it in a crock pot and combined the meat with two cans of low-carb (read the labels -- most cans of diced tomatoes are NOT low carb) southwestern seasoned diced tomatoes.  She added one to one and one half cups (vary to your preference) of low carb beef stock and seasoned with garlic seasoning, salt and pepper.


After the chili simmered for several hours I cut two low-carb tortillas (most are not -- see 1 to 5 Weight-Loss without Dieting to find the low-carb varieties) into thin strips and sautéed them in a frying pan with butter, cinnamon and granulated Stevia.  This produced the Cinnamon Crispas to go with the chili:  The result was an absolutely delicious, nutritious and filling dinner! Be sure to add a terrific salad to round out your nutrients!


In addition, for lunch that day we had a delicious shrimp stir-fry with a side of sliced strawberries and portions of low-carb chocolate pieces.


Trader Joes sells frozen bags of shrimp and wonderful stir-fry vegetables.  They also market a low-carb chocolate bar made with erythritol (an alcohol based sugar that -- much like fiber -- is a non-metabolized carbohydrate).  As a result a single portion of the chocolate bar is only one gram of carbohydrate!  It is so good with the freshly sliced stawberries!


II.  The Keto Connection


So how do the above meals connect with the Keto dieting trend?


As noted in previous blogs, keto dieting and the low-carb approach presented in 1 to 5 Weight-Loss without Dieting are quite similar.


Traditional low-carb dieting is low-carb, high protein and high fat.  Keto dieting may place a greater emphasis on the high fat aspect of dietary intake.


While keto dieting emphasizes the traditional ancestral aspects of food consumption as the basis for such a diet, low-carb dieting bases its approach on establishing a fat-burning metabolism through keto-genesis. Keto-genesis is the shifting of metabolism to the production of ketones (ketones are the measurable byproduct of a fat-burning metabolism).


The interested reader will find these ideas presented in detail in the 1 to 5 Weight-Loss without Dieting book.


A terrific keto site authored by Johan Bengtsson can be found at:


The author of the site also references the 1 to 5 Weight-Loss without Dieting book as a general guide for low-carb dieting.



III.  So What Is 1 to 5 Weight-Loss without Dieting?


1 to 5 Weight-Loss without Dieting is a simple, enjoyable, easily adopted, step-by-step lifestyle change that aids your body in overcoming insulin resistance.  Through the approach there is no hunger, no fad diets, no "magic" pills, no paraphernalia, no unrealistic exercise regimens or embarrassing weigh-ins.


1 to 5 Weight-Loss without Dieting delightfully deals with these issues by presenting simple, step-by-step instruction on how to feast continually and lose weight at the same time!


The detailed information needed to lose weight is available worldwide through Amazon.  US buyers will find the low price of $1.99 (or, $9.26, if you prefer the printed rather than the Kindle version)!  


(By the way, you don't need a Kindle to use the Kindle version:  A free app is automatically available from Amazon that will enable your cell phone, computer or tablet to display Kindle books.)


Sound good?


You owe it to yourself to read this book!