Sunday, October 27, 2013

1 to 5 Weight-Loss without Dieting Requires a Fat Burning Metabolism

1 to 5 Weight-Loss without Dieting
Requires a Fat Burning Metabolism

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            Weight-Loss without Dieting!

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Introduction:  The article you are currently reading presents a brief discussion of the impact of certain organs in establishing a fat burning metabolism.  In addition, amazingly delicious low-carb recipes are noted along with a recent "meet and greet" attended by your author.

I.  What Is a "Fat-Burning" Metabolism?

The 1 to 5 Weight-Loss without Dieting book makes it clear that the ability to metabolize fat is a key to weight loss without dieting. 

The bottom of page 11 and top of page 12 of the printed edition of the The 1 to 5 Weight-Loss without Dieting book state:

"If you are an individual with an underlying health condition that interferes with your ability to safely activate a fat-burning metabolism through a properly followed LCR, then – of course – you are not most people. Individuals in this category are encouraged to seek the guidance and counsel of their qualified health-care professionals.
It is expected, however, that most are able to respond well to a properly followed Low-Carb Regimen. If you are like most people, then this approach holds the potential to produce beneficial results."

The gallbladder and the pancreas are key players in a fat-burning metabolism.  A fat-burning metabolism becomes necessary when we store too much fat throughout our bodies, normally as a result of consistently eating too many carbohydrates.

1.  The role of insulin resistance

Upon consumption, carbohydrates are quickly converted into glucose within the bloodstream.  The pancreas produces insulin in order to transport the glucose to our cells for energy.  As explained in 1 to 5 Weight-Loss without Dieting a constant barrage of insulin as a result of a pattern of habitual high carb eating leads to cells that reject the insulin shipment (insulin resistance).  Ultimately, the body converts the rejected insulin shipments of glucose to fat that in turn accumulates throughout the body and especially around the belly.

2.  The role of the gallbladder

On the other side of the process according to the gallbladder stores the bile necessary for the emulsification of fats.  In other words, the gallbladder helps break down the fats we eat.  If our gallbladder is removed, then this will affect bile production.   As a result our bodies will have problems breaking down fats and this will interfere with the digestion and proper use of fats. 

This follows since the fats and oils that we consume are part of the building blocks of many of the hormones in our bodies. 

This is huge for fat metabolism:  Without a gallbladder it will be extremely difficult to generate the needed energy from fat.  A shortage of energy from fat will lead to the need to depend on another source most likely carbohydrate metabolism. 

Once again, however, with insulin resistance compromising carbohydrate metabolism, consumption of excess carbs is likely to stimulate the accumulation of body fat.

The conclusion, then, is that those without gallbladders are in a difficult situation when it comes to establishing a fat-burning metabolism as a strategy for dealing with excess body fat.

3.  The role of the pancreas

According to the article Overview of Lipid (fat) Metabolism:

The emulsification of fats render them susceptible to hydrolysis by enzymes secreted by the pancreas. The most important enzyme involved is pancreatic lipase.

Consequently, a properly functioning pancreas is also key to effective fat metabolism and as with the gallbladder those without full pancreatic functionality diminish their ability to metabolize fat.

4.  The role of low-carb, high healthy fat, high protein eating

On the other hand, those with a functioning gallbladder and pancreas have the benefit of being able through following a properly adopted low-carb, high healthy fat, high protein regimen to actually develop a fat-burning metabolism.

In this when insulin resistance is appropriately dealt with through the low-carb eating regimen detailed in the 1 to 5 Weight-Loss without Dieting book a fat-burning metabolism is promoted.  The result is that energy may be significantly obtained from fat rather than from carbohydrates and weight-loss is promoted.
Further since the flavor of food is in the fat, low-carb, high healthful fat, high protein eating is delicious!

II.  Strata with Freshly Shredded Parmesan Cheese!

My wife has a keen eye for a bargain.  While perusing a store for good buys she found a closeout on some needed salad tongs.  Her bargain included as part of the purchase a rotary cheese grater.  The grater is an inexpensive version of the ones used at restaurants when you are asked, "Would you like some freshly grated Parmesan cheese on your salad?"

The device sat in our kitchen for a few weeks until Sprouts Market had a sale on chunks of Parmesan.

The connection with what you are reading is that I made a strata (a layered, crust less quiche) this morning and included some freshly grated Parmesan in my cheese layer.  When the strata was served, we topped our slices with more freshly grated Parmesan.


What an explosion of utterly delicious flavours!

Not only is the quiche delicious but the cheeses are low-carb, high fat and so healthful along with the sautéed diced onions, celery, broccoli, unsweetened coconut milk, bacon portions and farm fresh eggs.  The 1 to 5 Weight-Loss without Dieting book features this recipe in the Low-Carb Menu and Cooking Guide on page 270.

In addition to the strata with the freshly grated Parmesan cheese, our breakfast included freshly sliced strawberries with a dollop of rich sour cream and Stevia sweetened ginger tea.  A few hours later and I'm still savouring those unbelievably delicious flavours!

When you can eat like this and healthfully lose weight without dieting why would you eat any other way?  Regarding this, I have lost and continue to keep off over 65 pounds while continually feasting on up to eight unbelievably delicious meals each day!

This is one of the reasons why my blogs end with "You really need to read this book!"

III.  Signing Party at the Elbert Public Library:

It was an honor to be invited by the Elbert Public Library for a "meet and greet" as the author of 1 to 5 Weight-Loss without Dieting.  Not only did I get to present some of the aspects of losing weight without dieting, but in addition I was pleased to share some utterly delicious low-carb foods.  Of course I brought some strata and some fresh strawberries. 

In addition I brought deliciously tangy low-carb deviled eggs and peanut butter protein balls dusted with Stevia and bakers cocoa (see the Cooking Guide contained in the 1 to 5 Weight-Loss without Dieting book for the recipes).

It was especially gratifying to hear the testimonies of individuals who have lost weight and continue to do so through the 1 to 5 Weight-Loss without Dieting approach!

1 to 5 Weight-Loss without Dieting is a simple, enjoyable, easily adopted, step-by-step lifestyle change that aids your body in overcoming insulin resistance.  Through the approach there is no hunger, no fad diets, no "magic" pills, no paraphernalia, no unrealistic exercise regimens or embarrassing weigh-ins.

1 to 5 Weight-Loss without Dieting delightfully deals with these issues by presenting simple, step-by-step instruction on how to feast continually and lose weight at the same time!

The detailed information needed to lose weight is available worldwide through Amazon.  US buyers will find the low price of $1.99 (or, $9.26, if you prefer the printed rather than the Kindle version)!   

(By the way, you don't need a Kindle to use the Kindle version:  A free app is automatically available from Amazon that will enable your cell phone, computer or tablet to display Kindle books.)

Sound good?

You owe it to yourself to read this book!

Saturday, October 19, 2013

What Actually Makes Weight-Loss Work?

What Actually Makes Weight-Loss Work?

Welcome to 1 to 5 Weight-Loss without Dieting!  You owe it to yourself to read this book!

The article you are reading presents a brief discussion of weight-loss methods, references a key Colorado State University article on fat metabolism, and concludes with a brief introduction of how to lose weight without hunger.


There are hundreds of books and dozens of methods that seek to deal with weight-loss.

Although these books describe diverse methods that produce varying degrees of weight-loss success, those encountered by your author fail to give the reader a truly defensible reason why the endorsed method is supposed to work.  Here are some examples:

I.  Some Popular Weight-Loss Approaches

1.  The Atkins Method

One of the major criticisms levied by the American Medical Association against Atkins and his weight-loss regimen was that he could not explain why it worked. 

Although Atkins referenced the 1950s research of Kekwick and Pawain who identified a "Fat Mobilizing Substance" (now identified as the presence of ketones) in those consuming a high fat, high protein, low-carb diet, and although he drew from the work of Pennington who recommended removing all starch and sugar from meals, Dr. Atkins never demonstrated a successful mechanism that accounted for the success of his regimen.

2.  The Paleo Diet Method

The argument from paleo dieters is that they are eating "what their ancestor" ate and, therefore, weight-loss results.  This explains nothing, however, regarding how the actual weight-loss occurs.

3.  The Calorie Counting Approach

Numerous diets have promoted the idea that human metabolism is like a Bunsen burner.  The argument is that the mass of the food that you consume is either added to your body weight, consumed for energy (like a car using up gasoline), or excreted (like the exhaust by-products of internal combustion).  This sounds quite logical, but research demonstrates that this method is dramatically less effective then the low-carb, high fat, high protein regimen presented in the 1 to 5 Weight-Loss without Dieting book.

4.  "Fad" Diets

There are numerous "fad" diets in which those seeking to lose weight eat copious amounts of certain foods.  Among these approaches are the grapefruit diet and the egg diet.  Again, no valid explanation is presented as to why these methods might produce weight loss although many point to reduced caloric intake.  However, published AMA research clearly indicates that reducing calories is much less effective than low-carb, high healthful fat, high protein eating.  See my articles on The Mechanism of Weight-Loss and Weight-Loss Inequity.

II.  Reduction of Insulin through Fat-Metabolism

1 to 5 Weight-Loss without Dieting clearly presents the simple, easily followed steps that allow the adoption of a properly undertaken low-carb, high-healthful fat, high protein eating regimen.  This in turn leads to the conversion of the body's metabolism from carbohydrate-glucose fat accumulation to a fat-burning (ketogenic) metabolism.

In other words, instead of accumulating fat, our bodies convert the fat to energy.  The result is weight-loss without hunger and a significant benefit in dealing with insulin resistance.  Insulin resistance is a pre-diabetic condition that is a precursor to adult-onset diabetes, heart disease and certain forms of cancer.  It is also -- I believe -- the mechanism behind the overweight and obese epidemic rampant in the high carb lifestyle embraced by most in the US (and increasingly by nations adopting similar high carb dietary practices).

The Colorado State University article entitled Physiologic Effects of Insulin states:

Glucose is liberated from dietary carbohydrate such as starch or sucrose by hydrolysis within the small intestine, and is then absorbed into the blood. Elevated concentrations of glucose in blood stimulate release of insulin, and insulin acts on cells thoughout the body to stimulate uptake, utilization and storage of glucose.

The article goes on to point out:

From a whole body perspective, insulin has a fat-sparing effect. Not only does it drive most cells to preferentially oxidize carbohydrates instead of fatty acids for energy, insulin indirectly stimulates accumulation of fat in adipose tissue.

This is huge!

As 1 to 5 Weight-Loss without Dieting clearly presents, an appropriate reduction in carb intake along with adequate consumption of healthful fats and protein leads to reduced insulin production which in turn leads to reduction in fat production and accumulation.

III.  Conclusion

Would you like to lose weight -- without hunger -- while feasting on up to eight deliciously satisfying meals each day?

Would you like to potentially enhance your blood chemistry -- particularly by lowering triglyceride levels -- in the process?

Would you like to fit into slimmer, more appealing clothes?

Would you like to potentially increase your energy levels and sense of well-beng?

These are a few of the possible benefits in adopting the 1 to 5 Weight-Loss without Dieting lifestyle!

Available in print as well as in Kindle form (viewable on your computer, tablet and cell phone through a quick and free download from Amazon), you owe it to yourself to read this book!

Sunday, October 6, 2013

The Economics of Weight Loss

The Economics of Weight Loss

It should be apparent, especially in light of the recent behavior of Congress, that it is necessary to have correct priorities in order to implement beneficial economics.  In a similar fashion the cost of the overweight and obese epidemic in terms of real money, quality of life and productivity should be considered.
For each of us there is a cost as well as an opportunity if we will but seize it.

I.  My Question to You:

Let me start with a truth:  The 1 to 5 Weight-Loss without Dieting book is a low cost, especially since many spend this amount each day on just a single cup of coffee!  (Further, $1.99 is the lowest price at which Amazon will make this e-book available.)

Building on this, let me ask the question:  Would you consider it economically worthwhile to lose sixty-five pounds – if you have that much to lose – thru a $1.99 Investment?

Depending on your viewpoint, losing weight so inexpensively may be the best $1.99 (or, $9.15, if you prefer the printed rather than the Kindle version) that you will ever spend!  (By the way, you don't need a Kindle to use the Kindle version:  A free app is automatically available from Amazon that will enable your cell phone, computer or tablet to display Kindle books.)

II.  My Former Story:

I can tell you that over the years I, personally, spent a whole lot more than $1.99 in my attempts to lose weight.  Like most people, I pursued numerous weight loss methods – calorie counting, weight loss pills, dietary drinks, various exercising regimens, fad diets, etc. – that only left me feeling hungry, tired, sore and with only temporary (if any) results. Although I tried diligently, I could NOT maintain the unrealistic and ineffective methods of these approaches.
Even worse for me was the ongoing discomfort of hunger and my endless frustration and sense of guilt at not being able to lose weight.

The 1 to 5 Weight-Loss without Dieting approach changed all of this!

This occurred when I had the needed step-by-step knowledge – as simply and clearly presented in the book – to properly implement the process.  After that, the pounds just came off!

III.  My Ongoing Story:

At my workplace there is an annual auction of school sports jerseys to raise funds.  It was an honor to win the right to wear one of our scholar athlete's shirts at the homecoming Volleyball and Football games.

It turned out I also was "doing gate" at the homecoming volleyball game so I was parked by the door to our gym when – at half-time the referee walked by.

He smiled and jokingly inquired, "A little old to be on the team aren't you?"

I nodded in agreement and responded, "They red-shirted me as a Freshman – I'm still waiting!"

III.  Connecting My Story to Weight-Loss without Dieting:

So how does this connect to 1 to 5 Weight-Loss without Dieting?

All that day as I wore the jersey belonging to one of our trim football players people commented on how good it was to see that it fit me so comfortably.

If you had known me a few years ago (a bit more than sixty-five pounds back!), the remarkable import of the comments would make greater sense:  It does feel really good to be trim and it is a daily lift to comfortably wear slim-cut, 33-inch waist jeans along with medium/large – rather than triple extra large – shirts!

IV.  You Need to Know That This Would Not Have Happened:

·       If I had to starve myself in order to lose the weight!

·       If I had to give up on eating absolutely delicious, rich foods!

·       If I couldn't eat whenever I wanted and – with the exception of eliminating high-carb, high-glycemic foods – whatever I wanted! 

·       If I had to exercise strenuously in order to lose the weight (though I do like occasional strenuous exercise)!

·       If I had to buy and take some kind of "magic" weight-loss pills or elixir (I'm sure you realize that these things tend to be either unhealthful and/or a fabrication)!

·       If – when the weight was lost – I did not end up with the most wonderful eating lifestyle I have ever experienced!

1 to 5 Weight-Loss without Dieting is a simple, enjoyable, easily adopted, step-by-step lifestyle change that aids your body in overcoming insulin resistance.  Thru the approach there is no hunger, no fad diets, no "magic" pills, no paraphernalia, no unrealistic exercise regimens or embarrassing weigh-ins.

Did you notice the part about insulin resistance (a pre-diabetic condition that is a precursor to adult onset diabetes as well as certain forms of heart disease and cancer)?

Wait a minute, you might say, what about losing weight?

Now you are to the point of the matter:  Losing weight for most people is tied to how their metabolisms process insulin.

VI.  Dealing with the Cause for Most Who Are Overweight:

Our carbaholic culture is one of eating ever increasing quantities of high-glycemic (high carb/sugar content) foods.  As a result, most of us are in some stage of becoming insulin resistant or growing in our already developed insulin resistance.  Excess belly fat is just one of many indicators of this condition.

Since two out of three adults in America are overweight, it is likely that this includes you.  More to the point, until insulin resistance effects are appropriately accounted for – you are likely to develop an increasing propensity to pack on those unwanted pounds.

VII.  Dealing with the Overweight and Obese Lifestyle:

The overweight and obese lifestyle – for most individuals – tends to be a result of failing to recognize and deal appropriately with this critical truth.

We may appear to handle the carbaholic lifestyle of eating ever increasing quantities of high-glycemic foods when we are younger (debatable in light of the growing epidemic of obesity even among children), but – rest assured – we are merely setting the stage for the increasing insulin resistance of our adult years.

1 to 5 Weight-Loss without Dieting delightfully deals with these issues by presenting simple, step-by-step instruction on how to feast continually and lose weight at the same time!

Sound good?

You owe it to yourself to read this book!

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Overcoming Weight-Loss Inequity

Overcoming Weight-Loss Inequity


Weight management inequity tends to exasperate many seeking to lose weight. 

I.  A Clearly Visible Problem

We look around and see skinny people (less of them as the growing overweight and obesity epidemic envelopes two thirds of adults in America).  More vexing still, many who seem thin also embrace terrible dietary practices.  They seem to be able to down copious quantities of the worst high glycemic junk foods with impunity. 

Whether we say it or not, a part of us demands, "Where is the justice in this?"

II.  A Misunderstood Cause

As presented in 1 to 5 Weight-Loss without Dieting, insulin resistance is the culprit in this apparent inequity.

Our metabolisms become overwhelmed by a constant barrage of carbohydrates (the American dietary trend is one of ever increasing high carb, high glycemic binging). 

The mechanism is explained clearly in 1 to 5 Weight-Loss without Dieting, but the short of it is that our cells become resistant to the ongoing barrage of insulin produced by our bodies to transport the glucose that results from eating carbohydrates.

Still, some will ask, "Why do thin members of our population appear able to withstand this high carb barrage without gaining weight?"

III.  A Genetic Basis for Aging

It would appear that the cells of these individuals are able to handle the inundation of insulin that results from a high carb diet.

The reason is likely to be found on the genetic level.

Just as the Hayflick Limit -- described in Chapter Fourteen of 1 to 5 Weight-Loss without Dieting -- dictates the genetic rate of aging, so it is suspected (by me, at least!) that a genetic operator controls our cellular ability to tolerate the insulin barrage of ongoing high carb eating.

A parallel may be seen in the work of Nobel Laureate Elizabeth Blackburn.  She discovered that the "ends" of chromosomes (telomeres) are shortened in cell replication.  This continues until a "terminal" shortening resulting in cell death occurs. 

This process explains the results of aging that we all experience.

IV.  A Parallel Genetic Basis for Insulin Resistance

What if a similar genetic process operates with regard to carbohydrate metabolism?

What if a genetic receptor that controls cell ability to process insulin is "shortened" at genetically determined rates?

Insulin resistance would then be a result of a combination of insulin exposure by dietary practices AND by genetic inheritance (that predetermines our ability to tolerate an ongoing carbohydrate mediated insulin barrage).

If this is the case -- and I suspect it is -- then it should be possible to identify a genetic means by which insulin "shortened" genes could be restored.

When this is discovered, excess high carb eating would not have to produce the epidemic of obesity threatening and destroying the health of untold millions.

V.  A Wonderful Solution

Until then, those of us who have embraced the 1 to 5 Weight-Loss without Dieting approach feast up to eight times per day on the most amazingly delicious and healthful low-carb, high healthful fat, high protein foods imaginable!

  • I've never eaten better, never eaten more and never enjoyed eating as much as I do now!  I weigh what I weighed in high school (about 176 pounds), enjoy increasing participation in mountain biking, tennis and weight lifting, wear slim clothes (which I think make me look better!) and have more energy and acuity than ever!

If this sounds good to you, please check out the Kindle or print edition of 1 to 5 Weight-Loss without Dieting.  (The Kindle edition is readable on cell phones and on computers per Amazon's quick and free Kindle app download!)

You owe it to yourself to read this book!

Author's link at:

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Freedom Weight-Loss: 1 to 5 Weight-Loss without Dieting

Freedom Weight-Loss

If this sounds good to you, please check out the Kindle or print edition of 1 to 5 Weight-Loss without Dieting.  (The Kindle edition is readable on cell phones and on computers per Amazon's quick and free Kindle app download!)

I.  So Many (Ineffective) Choices

There are so many books on weight-loss -- with myriads of approaches to shedding pounds -- that it is difficult to know where to begin.

The tendency is to jump on the popularity band-wagon and gravitate toward a media name.

As a result most weight-loss approaches feature a guru who serves as a sort of Pied Piper seeking to lead readers on some sort of journey.  Along this journey the reader typically encounters numerous opportunities to spend money ultimately connected to the Pied Piper playing the tune to which the reader is expected to dance.

One can only sympathize with readers who are weary of the charade.  Worst of all the reader rarely receives the benefit they sought in the first place:  Effective and ongoing weight-loss.

II.  A Truly Effective and "Freeing" Choice

On the other hand, 1 to 5 Weight-Loss without Dieting allows the reader to experience weight-loss freedom.  There are no gadgets, gizmos, "super secret formula" magic pills or paraphernalia that falsely promise to transport us from fat to thin. 

Instead, 1 to 5 Weight-Loss without Dieting leads to ongoing weight-loss success without the need to give up dietary choice and freedom.  In this process we are NOT required to march to the tune of so-called experts whose counsel may merely foster the ongoing epidemic of obesity.

The futility of these other approaches contrasts with true weight-loss freedom in which we are free to eat any truly low-carb, healthful high fat, high protein foods we desire -- up to eight times per day!

III.  Without Knowledge People Perish

As a point of caution here, it is necessary to have sufficient knowledge of what this means so that the process of weight-loss without dieting is effectively applied to one's personal lifestyle.

In the process of adopting the 1 to 5 Weight-Loss without Dieting approach we are freed from the typical increasing propensity toward insulin resistance that most experience.  As explained in the preceding article, insulin resistance is identified as the underlying mechanism for the growing overweight and obese population.  Further, insulin resistance is a precursor to diabetes, heart disease, certain forms of cancer and numerous other maladies.

Virtually all of the "popular" weight-loss approaches fail to recognize -- much less deal with -- this critical reality.

More to the point, until insulin resistance is properly dealt with most are unlikely to have long-term success in their weight-loss efforts.

IV.  The Benefits of Freedom Weight-Loss

1 to 5 Weight-Loss without Dieting builds weight-loss freedom by simply, easily and effectively dealing with insulin resistance.

So what are the benefits?

  • Lose weight without dieting

  • Overcome the excess weight generating condition that sets up disease

  • Experience delicious food flavors that have been hidden by high-carb eating

  • Increase energy levels, vitality and mental acuity

  • Return to a more active lifestyle

Now that's freedom weight-loss!

You owe it to yourself to read this book!

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Identifying the Mechanism of Wieght-Gains and Obesity


How to Lose Weight without Dieting

Identifying the Mechanism

of Weight-Gains and Obesity

Author's Link at:

I.  Quest for a Weight-Loss Mechanism

A fascinating aspect of "weight-loss without dieting" (see the:  1 to 5 Weight-Loss without Dieting book) is the reference to the Journal of the American Medical Association observation on low-carb weight loss.  The JAMA article notes that the effectiveness of low-carb eating in weight loss is poorly understood and awaiting a descriptive mechanism that explains the weight reduction.

It is as if researchers are baffled by the favorable results that follow a low-carb, high healthy fat, high protein eating regimen.

Interestingly, most who champion this dietary approach also appear to have no idea why it works.  Paleo dieters -- whose approach is similar in many regards to low-carb eating -- also lack "a mechanism" that explains the benefits.  Arguments that "its the way our ancestors ate" miss the point of actually explaining why the body responds the way it does to low-carb, high healthful fat, high protein eating.

II.  The Weight-Loss Mechanism Described

The impact of the actual mechanism is applied, however, in the 1 to 5 Weight-Loss without Dieting book's unique term "carbaholic."  The book explains that "carbaholism" is the addictive overconsumption of carbohydrates.  This addictive eating pattern is rampant in the American dietary lifestyle -- a lifestyle built upon the consumption of ever increasing quantities of highly refined, high glycemic foods (foods that are rich in sugars and starches).

1 to 5 Weight-Loss without Dieting explains and incorporates the Low-Carb Regimen (LCR) mechanism for successful weight-loss within its pages (see especially Chapter Fifteen, but also the entire book):

  • 1)  The majority (if not most) of the American population and (as the American "carbaholic" eating pattern becomes more widespread) increasing portions of the world are overweight or obese as a result of insulin resistance effects.

  • 2)  Insulin resistance tends to respond to a properly adopted low-carb eating regimen.

  • 3)  And therefore, the mechanism for the effectiveness of the low-carb eating regimen in losing weight is that the weight-loss tends to be a by-product of dealing with insulin resistance.

Again, this mechanism is indicated throughout the 1 to 5 Weight-Loss without Dieting pages (in both the Kindle and the matching printed editions) and stated specifically on page 140 of the book.

III.  How Does This Impact Other Dieting Approaches?

Counting calories to lose weight tends to only be effective as a result of -- indirectly -- reducing high carb, high glycemic foods.  Further, the general ineffectiveness of reducing calories as a weight-loss strategy tends to be a result of the failure to add sufficient healthful fat and protein along with any reduction in high carb foods.

In other words, those who lose weight through reducing calories may be actually receiving a "trickle down" benefit from lower carb eating.  Further, those who fail to lose weight by reducing calories may be experiencing the logical result of low-carb -- without high healthful fat and high protein -- dieting.  

A similar argument applies to "paleo" and Atkins dieting as well as other diets that reduce carb intake.

The 1 to 5 Weight-Loss without Dieting book includes simple to follow step-by-step instructions for weight-loss without dieting, menus and recipes as well as detailed explanations of the insulin resistance mechanism!

If this sounds good to you, please check out the Kindle or print edition of 1 to 5 Weight-Loss without Dieting.  (The Kindle edition is readable on cell phones and on computers per Amazon's quick and free Kindle app download!)

You owe it to yourself to read this book!